Abundance Essential Oil Necklace – Tigers Eye, Ruby in Zoistite, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Juniper, Lavender and Bergamont.


Abundance Essential Oil Necklace – Tigers Eye, Ruby in Zoistite, Cinnamon, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Juniper, Lavender and Bergamont.

1 in stock

Oil Necklace - ABUNDANCE

The crystals in the Abundance Pendant have been cleansed and programmed to attract wealth and abundance.

The oils in the Abundance Pendant have been selected to attract prosperity and magnify joy and peace. It is uplifting and balancing.

The wearer of the Abundance Pendant will receive Theta Healing to clear blocks and align you with abundance for your highest and best good. Just say yes and this Theta Healing energy will be downloaded to your energy field, clearing blockages and downloading feelings of joy, abundance, well being, wealth, health and gratitude.

CRYSTALS: Tigers eye and Ruby in Zoistite.

Tiger's Eye is a golden stone that balances, aligns and activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. It's an excellent stone to have with you if you're looking to increase your wealth, boost your money flow, or create more opportunities for growth or expansion.

Ruby in Zoisite is known as the happiness stone, it brings the energy of happiness, appreciation, abundance, vitality and growth. It attracts the energies of prosperity and abundance.

ESSENTIAL OIL BLEND: Cinnamon, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Juniper, Lavender and Bergamont.

Apply to temples, crown, neck or wrist. Add some Abundance Oil to a piece of felt square and keep it in your wallet. Focus your intentions on what it is you’re wanting to attract when using the oil blend.

Cinnamon has a frequency that attracts wealth. This essential oil is considered the oil of wealth of the orient.

Frankincense enhances spiritual awareness and meditation and has been highly regarded since ancient times for its properties. Only the very richest possessed this oil. It was valued more than gold.

Sandalwood attracts love and money. Clears blockages from your solar plexus chakra, which connects you to the cosmic desire to manifest your soul life purpose and ensures a strong feeling of self worth, empowerment and spiritual self mastery.

Lavender is known for its mood-elevating and calming properties. Its scent is said to bring a sense of inner peace, to help you sleep, and to alleviate headaches. Restores energy balance to the mind and body.

Juniper is cleansing and purifying, helping to release blocks to abundance and improves the state of mind. Grounding and helps to manifest into the physical plane.

Bergamot is commonly used to attract money and success. It is uplifting as well as relaxing.

AFFIRMATIONS: Repeat these affirmations whilst breathing deeply into your abdomen, with even inhales and exhales. Breath in the essential oil blend.

I create money and abundance through joy, aliveness and self love.
I give thanks that I am rich and prosperous in every way.
Money flows abundantly in my life.
I embrace abundance and abundance embraces me.
Money is my friend and ally.
I am aligned with the energy of money.
I relax into wealth consciousness.
I am grateful for the infinite abundance.

MEDITATION: Breath in the fragrance of the oil blend whilst focusing on feelings of abundance, joy, love, elation, happiness and bliss. Imagining yourself as abundant right now. Feel how it feels. Feel the love and gratitude knowing that you are always sported by the universe. Allow the crystals to amplify your energy, expanding it out into the universe. Imagine what you have focused on being drawn into your energy field. Feel magnetic to your manifestation. Know that it is drawn to you. Command that this is so, for you highest and best good.
Thank you, it is done, it is done, it is done.

Length: 7.5 cm.
Width: 3 cm.
Height: 2.5 cm.

*Comes with Genuine Kangaroo Leather Thong.


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