Powerful Alignment


Quartz, Kyanite and Opalite Pendant.

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Combining the chakra aligning abilities of Kyanite with the boost in personal power and self esteem of Opalite and the amplification of these crystals with Quartz, this crystal pendant / wand can be used to bring a sense of inner peace and strength.

Kyanite has the ability to bring all of the chakras into alignment. This crystal does this without the user needing to direct it by intent, but if it is directed it will have the extra result of being able to open the chakras.

Opalite helps to increase personal power, boosts self-esteem and improve sense of self-worth. Opalite can help unleash inner strength and help to uncover and express your deeper feelings.

Clear Quartz encourages clarity of thought and purpose and helps to manifest intentions. Clear Quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection to higher guidance and also magnifies or amplifies the vibrations of other crystals.

Length: 8.5cm
Width: 2.5cm


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