Quartz, Angel Aura, Citrine, Tigers Eye & Ruby in Zoisite Wand.


Clear Quartz, Apple Angel Aura Quartz, Citrine, Tigers Eye and Ruby in Zoisite Crystal Wand.

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Clear Quartz, Apple Angel Aura Quartz, Citrine, Tigers Eye and Ruby in Zoisite Crystal Wand.

Clear Quartz encourages clarity of thought and purpose and helps to manifest intentions. Clear Quartz helps to establish a strong, clear connection to higher guidance and also magnifies or amplifies the vibrations of other crystals.

Apple Aura Quartz helps overcome psychic vampirism and severing ties with toxic individuals, this crystal pendant / wand can help one speak one’s truth from the heart.

Ruby in Zoisite, also known as Anyolite, evokes the courage and strength of Ruby, and purges any fear or anxiety that sit within us daily. Green Zoisite’s energy produces growth and fertility in all aspects of life and helps us “rebirth” and have a better understanding of ourselves and our connection to the outside world. Ruby in Zoisite aligns and harmonises the root, heart, and third eye chakras on the same vibrational level, helping with manifesting the will to accomplish your dreams. Ruby Zoisite is one of the very few minerals that can transmute negative energies into positively. Ruby Zoisite promotes psychic abilities for allowing inter-dimensional travel and astral projection.

Citrine spreads positive, energetic light around its aura and is said to be one of only two crystals which do not need to be recharged or purified. Citrine inspires creativity, confidence, clear-mindedness, and lots of energy with which to pursue your goals. Citrine clears negative and toxic energies. Citrine may help relieve depression and fears and phobias that prevent one living a healthy life. Citrine carries the energy of money, and having this crystal in your life may attract wealth and abundance to you.

Tigers Eye enhances personal power through it's connection to the solar plexus chakra whilst remaining grounded through it's connection to the root chakra. Tigers Eye helps in the releasing of energy blocks.

Length: 16 cm.
Width: 3.5 cm.
Height: 3.5 cm.


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